Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Freedom: HGCE Mighty Strike Freedom Gundam
Discover the enhanced Mighty Strike Freedom Gundam from "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom" movie with this High Grade kit from Bandai. Utilizing the advanced "SEED Action System," this kit features individually jointed hips for precise and dynamic posing, as seen in the film. Its Metallic Gloss Injection material and 3D metallic stickers add an authentic metallic sheen to the gold parts, while the included "Futsunomitama" sword showcases a dual surface finish. The "Proud Defender" can be displayed separately and the forehead cannon can be recreated by swapping out parts.
With the addition of the extended hip rail gun and accessories such as the sword (Futsunomitama), beam rifles, beam sabres, and beam shield, you can achieve a truly authentic look.