Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Freedom: HGCE Infinite Justice Gundam Type II
Introducing the Infinite Justice Gundam Type II High Grade kit from "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom". It features the specialized "SEED Action System" for capturing iconic action poses from the film.
The legs can achieve the graceful "leg flexibility" seen in the series with the addition of a pivot axis. The backpack has four individually movable wings and comes with beam effect parts for added flair.
It also includes a lead wire for replicating the anchor's launching state. The silver parts are made with Real Metallic Gloss Injection material, giving them a metallic luster. The backpack can be detached for solo display and comes with effect parts for customization.
This kit also includes various armaments such as beam rifles, beam sabers, and a beam shield. The beam boomerang housed in the shield can be removed and held in hand.
Accessories Include: Beam Rifle, Beam Sabers x2, Shield, Beam Shield Effect Parts x1 set, Hand Parts x1 set, Lead Wire, Stickers.