Mobile Suit Gundam: M.S.D: HG 1/144 RGM-79 GM (Shoulder Cannon/ Missile Pod
The RGM-79 GM model kit from Mobile Suit Gundam M.S.D. by Bandai is now available as a High Grade (HG) kit. This versatile kit offers two different variations, including a shoulder cannon and missile pod option that can be easily displayed with parts replacement. It also comes with a wide range of weapons and interchangeable hand parts, such as the beam saber, Hyper Bazooka, saber rack, and beam rifle. Additionally, original marking stickers designed by industry expert Hajime Katoki are included. Enhance your collection with this kit today!
Accessories Include:
Shield Shoulder cannon
Missile pod
Beam rifle
Beam spray gun (x2 types)
Hyper Bazooka
Beam saber
Saber rack
Interchangeable hands (left and right, x3 each)
Joint parts Stickers (x2)