Detective Comics Vol 2 The Victim Syndicate (Rebirth)
Detective Comics Vol 2 A part of DC Universe: Rebirth! Innocent victims maimed or broken byBatman's greatest enemies band together, and they blame Batman and his fellowvigilantes for what happened to them just as much as they blame the psychopathswho hurt them. Batman and his newly trained team of allies must take on thesetroubled souls, but one of Batman's teammates can't help but think they mighthave a point... From writer James Tynion (BATMAN/TMNT) and artist AlvaroMartinez (BATMAN ETERNAL) comes the second volume of the return of DETECTIVECOMICS! Collects DETECTIVE COMICS #940-945.
Rebirth honors the richest historyin comics, while continuing to look towards the future. These are the mostinnovative and modern stories featuring the world's greatest superheroes, toldby some of the finest storytellers in the business. Honoring the past,protecting our present and looking towards the future.
This is the next chapterin the ongoing saga of the DC Universe. The legacy continues.
Format:Paperback / softback 168 pages
Publisher:DC Comics
Imprint:DC Comics
Published: 16 May 2017